
Showing posts from July, 2020

Toxic Positivity

The "Toxic positive" terms are everywhere. But instead of creating more feelings of well being, they make us feel ashamed of what we are really feeling, and to shove those feelings deep into our psyche. Feelings that are not acknowledged and released tend to pile up, and explode when we least expect it. And those explosions come in forms of emotional breakdowns, mental exhaustion, and even physical pain. Create space for your feelings, hold yourself, acknowledge yourself, reach out for genuine support, vent when you need to, take your medication if that is what you need, and most importantly, let go of those social expectations to be "positive, love and light, rainbowy unicorns".  No one knows you and your needs better than yourself. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. #healthyself #mentalhealth #empowered

Life Purpose

At some point in your life, your purpose will appear to you. You'll be at a crossroads, deciding whether you will walk the unknown path to your purpose, and joy, or whether you will follow what you've been taught and told so far. The choice is solely yours. I chose me. What about you? We usually navigate life quietly, until the questions come up "what was I born to do. Is my life only about waking up, going to work, studying, being stressed, pay taxes and socialise, or is there more to it?"  That will be the decisive moment. The decision whether to go through life with closed eyes and heart, or grow through life and open fully to who we are at the core. It won't be easy. It might cost us friends, relatives, jobs, but in the end it will lead us to our greater, most authentic selves, and to an unforgettable legacy in this world. If we take up the challenge, teachers, guides, mentors will appear. As we align to our purpose, we will have signs from the universe, and f...

Emotional Freedom

Our human experience is lived through emotions that we perceive as "positive" or "negative". While the "negative" ones are often shunned, it is important that we bear in mind that our emotions are indicators of the stimuli in our environment. For example, anger might indicate that our boundaries have been overstepped, disappointed may indicate that our expectations in a situation were not met, fear might indicate that we are in some sort of danger. Instead of repressing our feelings, and resort to the societal pressure of always being positive, let's take a moment and sit with our feelings, and understand what triggered them.  Let's take a moment alone, feel it fully, get to the bottom to understand why it is here, and then release it. If there are any actions to be taken, let's settle in a neutral state of mind (which happens within a few hours or a few days, and after some self care) to do so. We release shame in experiencing feelings that ar...


Why forgive? To release yourself from suffering To free yourself from the grip of a person/situation  How to forgive? Tell yourself that you did the best you could in a situation  Acknowledge that the other person has shortcomings, and is human, too Accept the situation how it is, and retain the lessons Whom to forgive? In any case, forgive yourself, first, for allowing such situations in your life Forgive other people by acknowledging their humanity Recovery: Set boundaries by telling other people what is no longer acceptable to you, and be firm on those Raise your standards by not indulging in what has once hurt you

Empowering ourselves through anger

We have all been told how being angry is disgraceful, ugly, unwise and socially unacceptable, and have thus been conditioned to repress this fiery emotion deep within us.  Sadly what we failed to recognise is that anger, once channelled properly, empowers us to speak our truths, set boundaries, and stand in integrity.  Anger is a secondary emotion, arising when sadness, disappointment, anxiousness, shock, and other emotions are triggered/stored within us. It indicates that we feel threatened and unsafe. Our anger steps in to act as a shield for us. To understand where the anger comes from, as with all emotions, we need to sit with it, dig into it, see the causes, and take necessary actions. If a boundary was violated, we seek redress. If we have been triggered, we delve into the emotions we have been piling up, and let go of those. We cry, dance, scream in a pillow, or take up contact sports to get the emotions out of our systems.  Anger is meant to protect us, not harm u...