
Very often the word "boundaries" brings about the imagery of having walls erected all around us to protect us. Yes boundaries are there for protection, but they do not mean to keep others out.
Boundaries simply highlight to what limit others have access to you (physical, energetic and emotional). 
Boundaries highlight the space needed to create healthy connection with others.
Boundaries can simply be a "no" when you are requested to do something you do not want/feel like doing. 
Boundaries is drawing the line between what is acceptable to you, and what is not. 
Boundaries can also be not replying to that text/call when you have no energy to do so. Boundaries is retreating to your inner space when you need to nurture yourself. 
Boundaries is putting yourself first and taking care of yourself, before taking care of the world. 
Boundaries indicate what you need to function in your optimum power.
Boundaries is realising that you are worthy of your time, attention, and care.
Boundaries is listening and attending to your own inner needs, and communicating those to the world around you ("I need time", "I need space", "I need us to slow down", "I need you to live me alone").
We draw boundaries to reclaim our power, to express our self esteem.



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