Holding Space

Amidst the busyness of our lives, we take a moment, we pause, we breathe. This is holding space.

Holding space is also becoming present of what is weighing us down, and allowing ourselves to just be in the moment, be in the feeling, be attentive. 

We switch on our active listening skills, and open our hearts, and offer compassion and space to whatever is coming up in the moment. We allow and accept what is there.

We release the need to judge, comment, offer unsolicited help. We slow down, allowing what is to BE, without expecting, without changing.

We hold space for ourselves and others by becoming a silent witness. By welcoming vulnerability. By anchoring ourselves in graceful silence. By allowing what is to BE.

We hold space for we acknowledge our own, and others' needs to feel seen, heard, accepted, and respected.


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