I have been asked why and how to meditate, hence I've put this together, hoping it will be helpful. For a long time meditation was seen as a mystical practice, it brought to us the image of monks or mystics with eyes closed, sitting in the forest, away from civilisation. Recently, we have been flooded by information on different types of meditation, hand gestures or sitting positions, which does not simplify the practice. At its simplest, meditation is a practice to help us connect to ourselves. It allows us to sit in contemplation, either of our thoughts, or of an object. Contemplating our thoughts is simply the act of watching them, without engaging in them. Think of it as being on a highway and watching the traffic go by, instead of getting in a vehicle and go somewhere. Contemplating an object, such as a candle or the moon, or water, is to simply detach from our thoughts and focus on something pleasant. The idea is to minimise the mental chatter. Meditating to connect to ...